Houston Astros Baseball


Astros Hard To Watch

Written by Baqqs on 12:41 PM

Being the huge Astros fan that I am, I really, REALLY want to be positive. However, after these past two games it's getting pretty hard to do so. The Astros just came off a two game beat down against the Phils and The Rockies. The Philies game was a collective loss. We didn't pitch too well, and that's what happens. However, the Rockies game yesterday was a completely different story. The Astros had EVERY advantage possible going into that game and still found themselves on the losing end of another massacre. The Rockies were tired, short staffed, without their three best hitters and pitching a green youngster who hasn't had much success this year. Leave it to The Astros to help see them through their difficult times.

As far as what's wrong, I can't pin it down to one thing. Almost everyday one of the bigs parts of the game we stink at that day. Either we pitch well and can't score, we score but have bad defense, or we score but can't pitch, it never seems to come together for us. I watch other teams, teams with (in my opinion) worse players beat teams that we struggled against and I can't figure out why. How is it that we have the same record as The Giants? We have arguably 4 hitters who are better than their best hitter yet we don't produce any more than they do. I know what you are thinking, they have excellent pitching. Their team ERA currently sits at 4.90 compared to The Astros 4.80. Both bad no doubt, but how does the team with a lower ERA and MUCH better lineup fall into the same category as one of the worst teams in baseball?

I will spend the rest of this homestand trying to answer that question and hoping that maybe this teams gets fired up and wins three of the next four.

I'll leave you with this interesting stat.

Astros 2007 Team Batting Avg. (.260)
Astros 2008 Team Batting Avg. (.232)

Astros 2008 Schedule

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