Houston Astros Baseball


Kaz's Hitting Trends

Written by Baqqs on 11:19 AM

I was reading some Astros forums and someone asked about Matsui's specific hitting trends. Being curious myself I looked up some of his hitting trends and splits.

Batted Balls In Play

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The percentage stand for percentage of hits balls in that vector of the diamond against total batted balls.

Kaz hit 25% of balls in the 2B hole. This is worth noting because Michael Bourn's ability to get on base would very much improve Kaz's chances of getting on base. If Bourn is on first, then the first baseman is pulled to the bag for pick offs, leaving the 2 hole wide open. Also, seeing all the balls Matsui hits up the middle, the ability for Bourn to go from 1st to 3rd will be very important and could significantly improve Pence, Berkman, and Lee's RBI numbers.

Random Facts:

In 2007 Kaz hit 21% Line Drives compared to Burke's 16.9%

Kaz's Line Drive percentage was higher than any Astro in 2007! Including Pence, Lee, and Berkman

In 2007 Kaz had a WSP (Win Share Percentage) of .569 vs Burke's .255.
*Note (WSP adjusted for playing time)

Kaz had a higher BA/BIP (Batting avg vs Balls in Play) than any Astros except Pence.

In 2007 Kaz hit a combined .295 with RISP vs Burke's .211

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