Houston Astros Baseball


Infield Almost Set

Written by Baqqs on 10:22 AM

Over the past week rumors have been swirling about who will be replacing Biggio as The Astros 2 bagger. From where I've read, it seems like Castillo was number one on the Astros wish list. That ship sailed when Castillo resigned with The Mets in a 4 year deal. That may work out to The Astros benefit. Four years looks to be a little long for the aging burner. This leaves Asian imports Iguchi and Matsui. Both of these 2B had respectable years in 2007, Iguchi with both the White Sox and Phillies. However, with the recent rumors regarding a Matsui signing one must ask would Matsui really be an upgrade? It is clearly evident that Matsui was a better hitter at Coors field than on the road, but was that just luck? Or did the hitters park really justify a very large home/road spilt? If Matsui was signed, Wade would most likely try and package Burke with Scott and maybe a young arm to grab a solid #2 pitcher. If this is the case, then signing Matusi can be thought of as signing a #2 pitcher who wasn't available on the free agent market. The problem with this is no on but Wade knows. If Ken Rosentahl is right, as he believes Matusi will end up with either The Rockies or Cubs, then Wade should push full steam ahead for Iguchi who would be a very underrated improvement over both Burke and Matsui and at a cheaper price than Matsui. Iguchi would be the smart signing now, but has drawn interest from Brewers, Padres, Angels, and Rockies. A 2008 lineup with Iguchi batting #2 would solidify the Astros offense and would add some needed speed and on-base percentage.
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*Astros sign Geoff Blum to a one year deal. He will be the new Bruntlett.

Possible 2008 Batting Order

Iguchi/ Matsui/ Burke

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